To help reduce tobacco use, many governments have adopted policies that aim to decrease the supply of tobacco leaf and tobacco products.
Some governments are reducing or eliminating tobacco subsidies and instead are using their budgets to help farmers transition to other economically viable crops. Limits on the sale of flavored products, guidelines that reduce the amount of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide in products, and other efforts to regulate tobacco products also help to decrease demand. Most governments also have policies to reduce young people’s access to tobacco products, such as laws that hold vendors accountable for selling to underage youth and policies that directly target youth who purchase, possess, or use tobacco.
View Research by Sub-topic
- Crop substitution
Learn more about approaches that encourage farmers to substitute other crops for tobacco crops, and the impact that has on their economic success.
- Industry globalization
See how the tobacco industry has responded to changes in the global demand for tobacco and reduced barriers to trade and investment.
- Product regulation
Explore how governments control the content, production, sale, and distribution of tobacco products.
- Youth access
Learn more about the limitations communities put on youth access to tobacco products.