Sociodemographic Disparities in Local Smoke-Free Law Coverage in 10 States
Objectives: We assessed sociodemographic disparities in local 100% smoke-free laws prohibiting smoking in all indoor areas of nonhospitality worksites, restaurants, and bars in 10 states.
Methods: We obtained data on local 100% smoke-free laws (US Tobacco Control Laws Database) and subcounty characteristics (2006–2010 American Community Survey) for Alabama, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia. Outcomes included (1) 100% smoke-free law covering restaurants, bars, and workplaces; (2) 100% smoke-free law covering restaurants, bars, or workplaces; and (3) number of venue types covered by 100% smoke-free laws (0–3). Sociodemographics included total population, urban status, percentage racial/ethnic minority, per capita income, percentage with high-school diploma, percentage with blue-collar jobs, and percentage of workers who live and work in the same locality.
Results: Across states, localities with less-educated residents, smaller proportions of workers living and working in the same locality, or both generally had lower odds of being covered by 100% smoke-free laws. Coverage varied across states for other sociodemographics.
Conclusions: Disparities exist in local smoke-free law coverage. Identifying patterns in coverage can inform state efforts to address related disparities.
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July 2015
Location(s): North America, U.S.
Content Type: Journal article
Topic(s): Smoke-free policies, Tobacco control policies and programs
Authors(s): Jidong Huang, Ph.D., Brian A. King, Stephen D. Babb, Xin Xu, Cynthia Hallett, Maggie Hopkins