Estimation of Price and Income Elasticity of Demand for Tobacco Cigarettes in Slovakia [Working Paper Series]
This Working Paper was written by Institute of Economic Research SAS in Slovakia. The working paper assesses the impact of price and income on tobacco consumption. The researchers use two approaches to estimate these elasticities and simulate the effect of a recent tax increase. The results suggest that increasing cigarette prices by 1% would reduce consumption between 1.006% and 1.195%. A 1% increase in household expenditures, on the other hand, would increase consumption between 0.844% and 0.970%. The implemented increase in the excise tax rate to EUR 84.60 per 1000 cigarettes is unlikely to effectively reduce consumption due to the expected high increase in household expenditures. Instead, the excise rate should be set at EUR 87 per 1000 cigarettes to offset the effect of household expenditure growth on cigarette consumption. The working paper concludes with recommendations for policy makers to strengthen tobacco control by raising tobacco taxes.
A Policy Brief based on this working paper can be found here.
March 2024
Project: Think Tanks Project: Accelerating Progress on Tobacco Taxes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Content Type: Working Paper
Topic(s): Impact on demand, Tax and price, Tax levels and structure
Authors(s): Ivan Lichner, Filip Ostrihoň