
Consumption Behaviour of Cigarette Smokers in Pakistan: The 2023 Survey

This Report was written by Social Policy and Development Centre in Pakistan. The report presents findings from a nationwide survey on cigarette consumption following the cigarette tax increase in February 2023. The findings show that economy brands make up a large majority of consumption, at 93.4%. The lower-priced brands within this affordable, economy category expanded their market share from 16.3% in 2021-22 to 45% in 2023-24. On the other hand, the market share for premium brands decreased from 20.3% to 6.6% in that time period. Smokers report consuming 12.3 cigarettes each day on average, and smokers of lower-priced economy brands tend to smoke more than those who smoke upper-priced economy brands or premium brands. The survey results also showed that single stick sales remain prominent, especially among young smokers, despite their prohibition. In response to the tax increase in 2023, 27.2% of smokers reported reducing their cigarette consumption, with a more significant reduction among lower-income groups. 17.4% of smokers also reported that they switched cigarette brands in the last 5 years. This was more common in those who live in rural areas and smoked lower-priced economy brands than their respective counterparts. 78.6% of respondents who switched brands did so because of price concerns. 52.6% of the smokers surveyed also responded that they would decrease their consumption in the case of another price increase, and nearly 47% would attempt or seriously consider quitting. The report concludes with recommendations for policy makers to raise the prices of the cheapest brands to increase the impact of tax increases on consumption, and strengthen tax administration. 

A Policy Brief based on this report can be found here.