
Read about Our Latest Research in the News

Booming e-cigarette Market in Need of Greater Oversight, Studies Say, Washington Post, Brady Dennis, June 17, 2014

The electronic cigarette market is booming both online and in brick-and-mortar retail outlets in ways hardly imaginable half a decade ago, and the growth continues to be largely unregulated.


10 New E-Cig Brands Hit the Market Every Month, TIME Magazine, Alice Park, June 17, 2014

In the most comprehensive look at e-cigarettes to date—from how they are used to how they are marketed and where they are sold—researchers are surprised by how quickly the devices have taken hold worldwide. (video)


e-Cigarette Research: Smokin' Hot, Controversial, Medscape Medical News, Pauline Anderson, June 17, 2014

Electronic nicotine delivery systems, commonly known as e-cigarettes, are fast becoming one of the hottest and most controversial research topics.